Shri R.M.Dobriyal,IFS has taken over the charge of PCCF(HoFF) FAC on 28.02.2022. PCCFs, APCCFs, CCFs, CFs, DCFs, ACFs and FROs assist the PCCF (Head of Forest Force) in his technical and administrative work.

The APCCFs, CCFs and CFs as the case may be, are in the administrative charge of forest circles or special circles and are responsible within their respective areas for the general direction and supervision of all forest works, control of establishment, expenditure, sales and supplies and general management of forests. The Addl. PCCF (WildLife) is responsible for implementing the program of wildlife conservation sponsored by the State or Central government and deals with the national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, zoos etc., The Director, T.S. Forest Academy Dulapalli plans for the in-service training of different cadres of forest officers in the state. The District Forest Officers (DFOs) and Forest Divisional Officers (FDOs) are responsible for the general management and protection of forests situated in their District/Division. He administers the Division under his charge, supervises the execution of all forest works and exercises direct control over the forest establishment. He is often assisted by a Sub-DFO / Sub DFO's.

The PCCF is also assisted by a Chief Accounts Officer and Accounts Officers, Gazetted Assistant (Technical) and Gazetted Assistant ( Non- Technical).